Is Judas, The Betrayer Or The Betrayed?
What we say
or do is the decision we make at the nick of time, whether it strikes right or
backfires is another matter. No matter, what the decision, the choice we make
solely depends on the circumstance we are in, but is it right to blame the circumstance,
when the key to the lock, is solely with us?
Never blame
people or circumstance, which have been made solely for us, to channelize our
destination or is it destiny? I’d like to say an incident, which has always
made me think, the unfairness of the circumstances. When Judas betrayed Jesus,
we all thought, “If Judas had not kissed Jesus, He would not have died. But is
it really true? The whole Jerusalem shouted in one voice, “Kill Him!!!”, except
for a few. Then we could have blamed the people, Pontius Pilate, Pharasees, but
whatever we do, the end came to Jesus, “Death on the Cross”. But Why?

Well, the sad part is, Judas was destined to be the betrayer, because he killed himself when God gave the wisdom to understand that he had made a mistake, and the last act stuck on him - the betrayer, while at the same time Peter repented, from the very heart, and the end result, Peter was enthroned to the highest position in the eyes of God and the designation of "The Rock". So now you know, why Judas became a "Betrayer".
To Err is Human, But To Rectify it is Divine". Happy to see that you are again live.