Bible - Man's Users Manual - The Parables - The Mustard Seed

Hey Guys

There is one thing that is very good to know in the bible regarding the life of Jesus, there is no mention of his adolescent age, his youth, his growing period as man.

What does that mean?

Simple, the rest is left to you. Your decision, your plans, your experiences. But whatever it is, it is solely your responsibility. It is made by you, all the circumstances you are currently facing.

Its like the rising and setting sun, the plant growing and dying. Its a cycle, if you do something, you will have to face the consequences good or bad. So now Jesus comes in front of the public at the age of late 20s and early 30s.

He didn't just get out of His house and started His work. He prayed on the hill top for 40 days without food and filled Himself with the Spirit of God, by baptising Himself in the river Jordan, then He started his public life.

Now, that's trouble!!!! Imagine all the people, either on the mountains or dipping themselves in the river before any venture? We human Beings are good at making resolutions and breaking them the very next moment, so if we decide to do something, we are going to pray, to give us the strength and then after the necessary prayer and the anointing of ourselves with the Spirit of God, we face the world and that is where we should have the capability to stay strong.

The world is the best place to break our Self. So the mountain where the Bible says is the Ego and we should be above the ego to be in contact with God. And the anointing happens when we are humble. Bend low over the depth of our soul

He is more wise and He knows, what He has come here for. Even if He was a man, he obeyed His mother because, His father had passed away while He was young. The best proof of His obedience to His parent is the first miracle in Canaan, changing water into wine.

You might be wondering, why Jesus called His mother "Woman", instead of mother or mom or whatever every child calls its mother with love and respect.

Jesus called His mother Woman because it's a designation - A Woman is lady without Sin. Its like calling Mr. President. Its a mark of respect. Before, there was only one woman before Mother Mary, it was Eve. God created her with her own hands. But Mother Mary became the mother of Jesus by choice. You know, when Archangel Gabriel introduced himself and informed Mary about the wish of God, she didn't say, "Let me think. She said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to your word."

That is how she is chosen as the Woman. So, if the Son of God calls His mother, Woman, then it is with utmost respect and reverence. 

In the Bible, there is one thing you should know, don't take in the literal sense or materialistic sense or human sense, its far deeper and each and every person should gain wisdom in this lifetime to know the real meaning of what the Bible says.

Jesus, in his public life said lots of parables, it was all easy to understand because its all the parables, the common man is in contact in his daily life. But the meaning is crap when we take it in the literal sense of the words.

One such parable, The Mustard Seed

"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Well, truly, don't we have an iota of faith? Nothing!!!! its preposterous. According to what Jesus said, we would have seen mountains flying all over the place, right. But why isn't it moving? Don't we have faith even the size of the Mustard? That small a seed?

That is the beauty of the parables of Jesus. The exact meaning is, cut the mustard seed and you can see, that there isn't even a micro space within, That is what Jesus meant, if you have faith without any doubt, then surely, you can move the mountain.

So never take the parables of Jesus in the literal sense because that would not make sense. 

But to get the in depth knowledge of each parable, then you really will have to gain wisdom, which is a gift, to those who ask God.

Hope the Bible can guide you through the right path. I will explain the parables  one by one each day because that is an important factor in our day to day life. That is why Jesus used day - to - day things in the parables in the User's manual of Man. So that we can reach God quickly and in a simple way. 

See you.



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