Bible - Man's Users Manual - Parents

Hey Guys

When you are a child, if your parents are spiritual, they will surely make you to pray to God, no matter whatever reasons you put against it. You are in a phase where you have been introduced to God. You either go to Church, Temple, Mosque, Gurudwara, etc.... on a daily basis or weekly basis or monthly basis, according to the circumstances. From childhood to youth is a long time and that is how it was for Jesus too. That phase of His life is explained in two simple sentence.

"Then he went down to Nazareth with them (He was 12 yrs old at this time) and was obedient to them." 

"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men"

When you live obedient to your family, I have found that the children are much more focused and live wisely. They become stronger, both physically and mentally. That is an important message I would like to pass, to all children. 

"Obey and Respect unconditionally your Parents and Elders"

My sisters-in-law, they are 4 of them. They are very hard working, very neat and clean, very systematic and they never have any work backlogs. And when they come to the ancestral home, they do help me a lot because I was with their parents. But one thing I have found is and which I never liked is, they respected their father and humiliated their mother. 

Well, their mother gave them cause for it, for sure. She never keeps her clothes clean. She always makes them dirty and she is just like a child. After eating, she never washes her hands, just wipes it on her dress. She mixes the spoons of different curries, which results in the food going bad. She was indeed a nightmare. But their mother, who was my mother-in-law hated me, real hated me, I was the one and only person who received the brunt of all her anger, hatred, etc..etc... I love parents, whether it is mine or others also, I really do respect them. So I never complained whenever she harasses me, which was everyday, I just accepted it and did what was right, never complaining because if ever. I remember, she throwing all the food, just to spite me, but never once I complained. Anyway, her daughters whenever they come from their husband's place criticized her for her actions and they do not even look around whether somebody else is hearing.

In the end, my mother-in-law asked forgiveness to me for her actions, and after two weeks she had a stroke which resulted in her passing away. You know, during that time, my mother-in-law said, "Child, I have always wondered, why all my children are angry with, even for once, I have never felt loved and to you, I have harassed you so much, still you didn't complain. Why are my children against me, is it because I am dark complexioned. Is it because I have no education?"

I felt sad, I really do not know the answer to this because, for me, its a new experience to see a child talking roughly to their parents. Yes, they had their reasons, but for me there was only one reason, why our parents need our respect. Do you want to know what?

They took care of us, in their own way, when we were born, educated us, clothed us, gave us food, fulfilled our needs. They could have thrown us in the streets, that they didn't do. So, a simple thank you would not be sufficient for all the hardships they faced. And I would respect all the elderly, no matter, whether they are good or bad.

And you know, what these daughters are facing, their children are humiliating them. Seeing the way, the children treating them I really felt bad. But that is how it is. Each and every action you do to your parent is accountable because, God gave them to us, so that they are the right people for us and give them the respect and privilege they are entitled to their position.

So as the Bible says,

Live with your family (father &/or mother) obeying them. Then you will grow in wisdom and stature in favour of God and man.

Hope you understood.

See you.



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