How Can We Forgive Our Enemies?

That's easily said, but very very difficult to follow.

We all know, that when we do something, we will have to face its consequence. If it's negative, then negative consequence. If it's positive, then positive consequence.

When Adam made the first mistake,  he had to face the consequence and we too.

Do you think, God would have forgiven him, if he had said, "I'm sorry, please forgive me" instead of blaming Eve? "Of course. And not only that, God would have loved him more." But unfortunately, Adam just blamed Eve for his wrong doing. Now look where it ended. I am writing and you are reading about it.

Remember, no one can force you to make a mistake, unless, you choose to do it. So there is no point in blaming anyone for your mistake.

But what has it to do with enemies?

The people whom we say as enemies are the people who are here to clear our mistakes which we did.

What does that mean?

When you make a mistake, in thought, word or action, it becomes a mark or a scar on your energy being. Until that scar or mark is removed, you will have to face the consequence or the problem of the mistake, again and again. It is not easy.

Since we cannot see the scar or the mark, we won't be able to clear it. But the Universe has a system to clear it.

What system?

In order to stop our problems, we need to clear the negative scars of our mistakes, which is marked in your energy being.

So, when a problem or a bad situation happens to us, we see only our enemies who created it.

But in reality, they are just mediators who are helping us clear our mistakes and save us from future problems, repeating again and again. 

If Judas was not there, Jesus would never be betrayed or died. Then the whole point of Jesus coming to this world will have a different twist. So, remember, enemies are our angels, we need them to clear our negativity.

So the easy way to face the enemy and the problem is, by saying inside you, "I'm sorry, please forgive me. I love you. Thank you." continuously.

When you do that, the hurt or the anger or hatred, which we are going through, will be bearable. 

Why bearable?

When, you have the knowledge, that your enemies are not the people who is creating your problems, then you would be very grateful to them. You would be able to forgive them unconditionally and forget whatever they did to you and love them more.

So now you know. 

I hope you will forgive your enemies and love them unconditionally because your goodness can happen only through them. So respect them.

Live your life wisely.

Take care.




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