
Love Your Neighbour as Your Self

Hey Guys!!!!! How should we live? Happily ever after? or be tensed or depressed when you have a problem?  or be sad when something bad happens? or Be elated when something good happens? Well let me get some cool facts of our physical body. Emotions create chemical reactions in our body. It affects the balance of the body.  The best chemical reaction in your body happens when you are in Love . What is Love? Love is an emotion, where you are happy to have with you whether its a person, animal or thing. You can connect with that no matter wherever you are. You would like to be a part of it in whatever circumstances. Its a feeling that is created by a chemical reaction which happens in our body. For example, Do you love your body? Do you love the right side of your body or the left side? The nose or the eyes? Will you hurt the part which you don't like?  You might think, why I am asking these weird questions?  Imagine you love your right side and hate ...


Guys!!! In my previous post, we proved that we are all part of the Universe, where we have no barriers. So how come then we see all these things around? Its because we live in the box of our five senses. We know and believe a world of five senses. If we see or hear or taste or smell or feel then we believe or else we say, its simply a fluke!!!! And we think, we are intelligent. What do you think? Are we intelligent? I will say, if you and I accept and believe only what the five senses say and trash it out which is outside its purview, then you and I are A VERY BIG MORON!!!!! Why? If a scientist says, you are made up of trillions of cells, will you believe it? Have you seen it? Have you felt it? Have you tasted it? Have you heard it? Then how do you know it? The real truth cannot be seen, heard, tasted, smelled or felt, its above that. Intelligence is guided ONLY by the five senses. So its time to put the five senses in the trash box and live life freely and give a ...

You & Me

Guys!!!! You know I think either I am insane or on borderline of insanity. My tagline is usually "We all are made up of cells which are packets of energy." That is the end of the story. But last day, I happened to hear that there are billions of galaxies in this universe and you are just a speck. So while I was thinking on that, I wanted to connect the speck part as me. But unfortunately I landed in non-entity part (means you are a zero). You might wonder how. You know that you are made up of atoms, right? Now we are going deeper into the atoms. Atoms look like a solar system. See the below image So if each atom is like that image, it looks like a solar system see image below :- We are made up of atoms and surrounded by atoms. The pictures shown above both looks the same. If the whole universe is like this, then where would I be or you be? Everywhere or nowhere? What do you think? I am crazy!!!!!? Ha....ha...ha... Meena


Dear Guys I want to pass a very important message which we all face in our daily life, Problems!!! One of my friends, he committed suicide, when he incurred insurmountable debts. One of my friend's son hanged himself to death due to love failure. As we get older and older, when we hear all these, we shake our heads and say, "Very sad". Yes, it's sad, when people do not have the courage to stand by their actions and rectify it when it is a mistake. But the first thing is - to acknowledge and accept the decision. Man is the only creature in this whole universe, that has a choice to do what he feels right for himself as an added bonus right for others. He has the capability to learn in depth before deciding. Man has the power of intuition, where one need not have any deep knowledge of the situation in fact about anything except follow the instincts. Its all good and fine, we have choices and we utilize it to the maximum. And still why do you think, we have a...

Bible - Man's Users Manual - Live Like a Bird

Hey Guys Sorry, I was not able to talk anything about the Bible for a long time. Its nothing personal, the time is an essence and the energy is another. There were several duties which I had to fulfill on a war footage basis. And I am happy to say, I completed it. You might wonder what it is. " Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" I have always wondered how this will happen, like how will human beings live without having any money.  My first experience with having no money with me was, when I was in class 8. I had home from boarding and was with my father, he was planning to buy a house and you know, all the money was in the bank and I do not know what the issue was, my dad had only Rs. 2 with him and we lived with just Rs. 2 for 1 week. (In those times, there were no ATMs, if we need money we will have to go to the bank). But we lived ver...

Bible - Man's Users Manual - The Parables - The Mustard Seed

Hey Guys There is one thing that is very good to know in the bible regarding the life of Jesus, there is no mention of his adolescent age, his youth, his growing period as man. What does that mean? Simple, the rest is left to you. Your decision, your plans, your experiences. But whatever it is, it is solely your responsibility. It is made by you, all the circumstances you are currently facing. Its like the rising and setting sun, the plant growing and dying. Its a cycle, if you do something, you will have to face the consequences good or bad. So now Jesus comes in front of the public at the age of late 20s and early 30s. He didn't just get out of His house and started His work. He prayed on the hill top for 40 days without food and filled Himself with the Spirit of God, by baptising Himself in the river Jordan, then He started his public life. Now, that's trouble!!!! Imagine all the people, either on the mountains or dipping themselves in the river before any ventu...

Bible - Man's Users Manual - Parents

Hey Guys When you are a child, if your parents are spiritual, they will surely make you to pray to God, no matter whatever reasons you put against it. You are in a phase where you have been introduced to God. You either go to Church, Temple, Mosque, Gurudwara, etc.... on a daily basis or weekly basis or monthly basis, according to the circumstances. From childhood to youth is a long time and that is how it was for Jesus too. That phase of His life is explained in two simple sentence. "Then he went down to Nazareth with them (He was 12 yrs old at this time) and was obedient to them."   "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men" When you live obedient to your family, I have found that the children are much more focused and live wisely. They become stronger, both physically and mentally. That is an important message I would like to pass, to all children.  "Obey and Respect unconditionally your Parents and Elders" ...