Adventures of Spidey-In The Steeple-Chapter–2a

Transformation is a natural process for him but most of his species had transformed into spiders very young and his process had already finished but now he has been transformed a second time and that too into a human being! – A Maaaaan! without clothes! Spiders usually don’t wear clothes and as he was not expecting any bodily changes with immediate effect, he jadn't thought of dressing up, but whether its destiny or not, it just has happened. There should be some mistake and Spidey called out slowly, “Spiiiiiiiiiiidey, where are you? The voice was coming from the man and that is "ME". A fear rose from his throat, "Oh My God! What am I going to do?". He didn’t know to wear clothes, he didn’t know anything about the rituals of human beings. How am I going to come out of this mess? And where is Antsy?
He looked around and saw that he was totally alone in a very spacious bedroom with lots of doors. He slowly raised himself from his position to feel his legs and his thought flew back when he was gingerly(cautiously) feeling for his eight legs from the gutter. At that time he had felt lucky not to be a man with two legs and was proud to be a spider. Luckily, he was now not in a gutter but now sadly, he is not a spider. He slowly wobbled (trembling) with his two legs and he saw himself in a full size mirror. “Not Bad, I’m really, a Man”. But Where is Antsy? Is she still an ant or.....I really hope she too has changed or else, how am I going to find her?
He opened a door in search of some clothes and to his surprise, two robotic hands pulled him inside and shut the door. Spidey couldn’t believe that he was being transported to the closet, brushed, washed, bathed and passed on to the next room, there he was dressed with all the necessary garments and then he was transported to another compartment for adorning his shoes, watch, cufflinks, sun glasses and tie pin. The door opened and he came out to a very big drawing room and to his surprise, he found a lady with a sky colour long flowing dress, looking out of the window.

Just stay happy until tomorrow. Bye for now.
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