Adventures of Spidey–The Flash Back-Chapter–5c

Rufus looked smilingly, then I think we have company. Evil Ramo has arrived back in business. “Ramo?” all chorused together. Yes, Ramo. He might have hibernated with your steeple and when it got activated he too came alive. He was a genius in the art of magic. It took me nearly 2 centuries. But he... Oh wait a minute. He is indeed a genius. I think he had been hibernating for sometime to get this infinity leaf and until now he lost his chance. Now he has arrived again. I think he might have a purpose for this arrival. We will have to check it. But for the time being, we’ll have to stay low. They all nodded in unison.
“So why don’t you continue Rufus? You were saying that you had to sacrifice some good things you had when you were a normal person.” John enquired. Ah. Yes, I don’t have to eat anything as my body rejuvenates (restores) on its own and if ever I feel like eating, thinking of old times, it feels like burnt charcoal. “Oh, that’s so sad, Antsy cried. All agreed. But that’s all for bad things, but I have also got some very good things too, at night I have the vision of an owl and the hearing sense of a cat. My memory is much more advanced. I can learn as fast as my eyes could read. Just reading is enough I can memorize it. I can see the thoughts of other wizards when I’m out of this place. I can understand the language of birds and animals. “Ooooh that’s cool”, Lisa expressed. But there is one special thing I got which I wouldn’t miss for the world. “What’s that?” John asked.
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