The Last Judgement

Today I stood in the judgement podium, just like Jesus stood in front of Pontius Pilate. It was not a very happy moment. But one day, we all will stand in this place for sure, for our past mistakes. The funny part is, just like Jesus was condemned for several reasons, which was fabricated, we too would be condemned for no reason of ours. But don't get saddened, that is how, we get to clear our past mistakes. If we run away and chicken out from this situation by blaming others or giving reasons, then we will have to stand in the same podium again, with another bigger issue and of much higher grade. You have a choice, whether clear off this issue by facing it and finishing it in one go and make it your last judgement or have a repeat of all these things again and again. It was weird when I used to read the Bible, why didn't Jesus, the son of God did not respond, when he was being judged or lashed or crucified. Now I understand, why.

Believe me, this Bible is not just another holy book. It is our Users Manual. You will have to really look into it, to understand and live accordingly. Anyway the decision is yours.

See You tomorrow.

Until then, take care, Bye.



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