What Are The Consequence of Your Choices And How Will You Face it?

In the Bible, the first mistake was the mistake of Adam. When Adam made his first mistake. His consequence continued for all mankind and is still continuing. 

So what happens when you make a mistake?

You would be blocked out from light. The light which is your lifeline, that gives love, peace, happiness, abundance and all the good things you imagine.

You will be in darkness where hatred, anger, hurt, unforgiving and all the bad unimaginable lives. That will all be filled inside you.

And we all think, God gave this situation, you cannot do anything about it. But in reality, you can.

That's why Jesus had to come and die on the cross.

When Jesus, died on the cross, everyone thought, it was unfair. But in reality it was actually a study tour of facing the consequence.

We blamed Judas, the pharisees and the people, for crucifying Jesus.

But in reality, they did not do it purposefully, they were all part of helping clear the consequence of one single mistake, Adam made. 

Imagine!!! If this is the consequence of one mistake, what will be our life with thousands of mistakes? I don't want to think about it.

So, the mistakes we made cannot be undone. But you can do one thing, don't create new ones. So how can we stop creating new ones?

If you are in trouble, then, don't say even a single word. Just shut up and zip your lips tight 🤐. Don't blame anyone. Don't justify you. Just face the problem and the people who created it, exactly like how Jesus did. For Jesus, the whole world was against him. He was alone there. Likewise, you too will feel very alone. But be brave and stay there mouth shut.

And throughout this darkest hour, forgive and bless the people who made your life a living hell.

How exactly can you forgive and bless our enemies?

That's a topic for another day. Until then,




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