
Showing posts with the label Advice

A Great Fight

I do not know, whether I should say this. But still I would like your comments on this. When we have a big fight, what is the protocol after it? Do you go and say sorry or weep your heart out or be angry with the opposite party? Well I didn't do any of the above. I do not know, how a fight ensues, but it happened and I too became a party - the center piece. Since age and experience was a plus points to my side, I tried not to bring anger after the biiiiiiiiiiig fight. There is one thing you should know, a clap could be heard only if we join two hands. A single hand cannot make a noise. So I put my mind in a blank state against the words and slanderings and decided to evaluate the reason for starting a fight. As I evaluated, I felt, I could have let a small issue pass by without getting hyped. But there are some things, which cannot be overlooked because it has been overlooked just for the cause of avoiding fights. But if we continue in that state, the other person would n

Just Get Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anger is one thing, which is very difficult to control. But how does it come in the first place? Today I was so angry with my son, that I could have murdered him easily. Luckily, it didn’t happen. It was not easy. Usually, I do not get angry quickly. So when I had time to think, I asked, what made me so angry. The answer was simple, my son disobeyed me or I can put it as, he was not obeying me. Then I understood, the situation of God when He threw Adam and Eve out of Eden. How much hurt he might have felt because of this disobedience. We all are great people, as human beings, but we people feel, that we would never do wrong. That is where we do the mistake. It doesn’t end there. There is the blaming part too. When we find that we have made a mistake, we tend to blame others for our actions. Then be sure you’re doomed. We are people with limitation for sure, but disobedience can worsen our situation. Obedience can really smoothen our path. No parents want their children to fail in l

When Will I Reach My Grave?

Yesterday, we were discussing that we do not have much to boast of. But have you ever thought, that human beings are the most perfect creatures in the whole of the Universe? I know you might have, but there is a very serious part. We have no role in making ourselves perfect. O. K. Who places a child in the womb of a mother? I don't know. Who decides whether it should be a boy or a girl? I don't know. Good, who decides, whether it should be a twin or a triplet? I don't know. And this child comes out to the world and grows grows to become a man or a woman and how does all the body parts come into existence both inside and outside their body? I don't know. Well, you can explain scientifically for sure, but the life part is still a mystery, as well as the death part too. Our body works so systematically and properly,that do you have any say in it? I hope not. Then what is there which we have created? Which we can say our own? Nothing, except som

Are You Successsssfulllll?

Yesterday I told about the downfall of an over confident person. But today, I would like to say, that no matter, how much you have grown or developed physically, spiritually or scholastically, or successful, then you are wrong. Why don't you walk on the sea shore. What do you feel? Who are you? Do you feel like you are a great person? I don't think so. So if we do not have anything to boast of in front of the vast ocean or the sea, then the next option is humility. What does that mean? Simple, the belief, that you do not have anything to boast about. Humility is one trademark, we should cultivate in life. We can gain humility only if we know, how small we are with respect to the Universe we live in, not with the immediate surrounding or the people. I know its difficult to visualize our Universe, but when we stand on the seashore, or travel in air or water, we could feel the delicateness of our small existence, the simpleness of our knowledge. Its nothing, a zero, then w

Save Your Self

I had written a very book for children, which for me was incomprehensible, which means, I couldn't understand anything or get connected to the story line. Do you know what that means? That I have still not yet become a writer. The two things that I forgot to add in my book was simplicity and innocence. So when I read that book I knew I had to dismantle it and start afresh. That is how the new book came into existence, "Why Should You Love Your Parents". This book is not a rewrite of the first book. Its only a small chapter of it - The Tip of the Iceberg In our life, we have loads and loads of things to learn and our lives are too small to learn everything. But have you ever thought, if we do not even try to teach ourselves even one thing in the basics of life, where will we end up? Simple, we would always be in the kindergarten of life making the same mistakes and going through the same experiences of life again and again. What a bore. We call it a moronic existence


I have always thought, how would we fare in life without a because. But do you know this word is a small spark which can ignite a big explosion? Its simple, when we make a mistake, we have a reason, that's for sure. So we start to get into the very depth of the cause of our mistake and it would surely be not us then naturally the first word that comes out of our mouth is 'because'. The first 'because' makes the other person feel a negativity over us and the next 'because' would make him grind his teeth and the third one a tight fist and the fourth one a smash which would have a negative impact in our life. So what do you think? Is because, good for any cause? A lawyer can use it without chaste A student with lightning haste But the lesser mortals like us, Are better off without the lot. See you tomorrow, Until then take care, Bye. Meena

Any other Gods?

The next best thing I learned from my friend is, never expect anything from human beings. Its not their fault, they are imperfect in the physical sense, which naturally transmits through their thoughts, words and actions. But the eventual heart break is very drastic. If you want to avoid the last part - the heartbreak part. Then you should abstain from attachment. When we are attached to something or someone, we expect a lot from them or from it. And that creates heart break and we are not here to waste time breaking our hearts. Breaking, joining and healing is along process. Sometimes it takes a lifetime. The owner of the monument Taj Mahal in Agra was so obsessed with his wife, that he was a living dead after her death. And he was like that until his death. I know you would say,it is sad. But I was thinking about his obsession that he forgot to live. There are some people who would get mental imbalance or sometimes commit suicide because of his obsession. This is a very v

Never Lose Hope

There are many things I learned from my friend. One thing is, we have no control of our life. Yes, we can make choices, but the outcome is not in our hands. In the case of my friend, she had no money, no certificates, no family and still found a great job, a very good and safe place to live. She was accepted into that life within no time. In a human calculation, this situation is usually concluded as a losing game. Its a lost cause situation. But look at the outcome. This I said it because, don't ever think of losing hope. It is that hope and that faith in some power, which I call God can really give you a successful outcome. Believe me, that is the only planning that is the only necessity, we need in life, faith and hope. I will conclude this with the Bible verse: Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow, or reap or store away in barns, yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? See you tomorrow. Until then take care, Bye

The Roundabout

One of my friends lost her family due to certain circumstances which could be termed, thrown out of home. They burnt her certificates and no money to survive. She became literally alone in the streets. I do not know, how she survived, but after several years, I met her and she was a changed person. I was expecting a depressed person, but to the contrary. She was at peace with herself, no hatred or no hurt. When I asked, how she became such a person? She replied to my utter surprise. “I came to this world with nothing but my body and I return with nothing, not even my body. My family helped me understand it and I would be thankful to them. Why should I cry for something, which I don’t own. Why should I run in amassing money? Why should I crave for my own home? God provides me, what I need. He knows me better than I know myself. If I need a home, He will give me. If I need a dress, he would cloth me. If I feel hungry, the food would reach me. The only thing I need to do is, keep my

Doubt Filled Life

I know its very difficult to believe in an unseen God. But there are some things which is unbelievable, and the first thing is Life. Can you answer your presence here? Or the first man on Earth? Its difficult, but still we live. New life is born, etc..etc... It is the same situation with God too. If you can believe the unbelievable, then just believe in God, who can answer all your questions in a jiffy. Do you know, I am a Number 1 doubt full person. Questions here questions there. And I hadn't any answer. But I blindly believed in God. Just like a dog blindly believing in its master. It was a lifetime belief. I finished school, college, but no answer came my way and I was always made fool by others because, religion can make us dumb, one way or another. I didn't mind because God is above religion. But that doesn't mean that religion is bad. No, its a means to help us reach our goal. Just remember, religion is made for us and its not the other way. O.K back to

Have Faith and Forgive

So now you know, prayer can help you clear your bad destiny, with just one single condition, by forgiving those who hurt us. If we are able to forgive, then you are not only clearing your bad destiny, but also we can request not to be put into a situation, where we have a chance to make a mistake and to save us from evil thoughts, people and actions. These two things are the creators of bad destiny. Its cool right? Everything would get easier, if we are able to forgive and if we have full faith in God. Now you might want to know, from where did God come into the scene. I'll explain it to you tomorrow. Until then, take care, Bye. Meena

Superbomblastic Glitch

Yesterday, I gave you hope, but Today, I would have to say something discouraging, not purposely, its out of necessity. Yesterday, I told about a suoerbomblastic prayer, that could clear your bad destiny. It is true, but there is a glitch in it. In the prayer, we say, "Forgive us our sins" It is a promising part but it doesn't stop there, it continues, " as we forgive those who sin against us." Yes, its not very easy to follow. Forgiving those who hurt us? Never. We have 1001 reason for keeping grudge against our enemies. That God knows and He just took hold of that clause, to put us in this soup. Anyway, I would say, grudge or no grudge, just don't let this opportunity pass by, to clear your destiny. Its an opportunity to have a happily ever after life. So guys, I take leave. See you tomorrow. Until then take care, Bye. Meena

A Super Bomblastic Prayer

I know its weird but there is another fact which Jesus brought us. It is nothing big. You might have heard about it, The Lord's prayer. You know, the Christians say this prayer a lot - Our Father in Heaven. In that prayer, Jesus is teaching us to ask forgiveness from God for our sins. What does that mean? It means, if we genuinely ask God, our bad destiny could be cleared. Yyyyyiiiiiiiippppppeeeeeeeee. Its simply bomblastic. But we should find the right way. Best of luck guys. See you tomorrow. Until then, take care, Bye. Meena

Forgive Our Sins

I have always wondered when I read the Bible, why Jesus always healed the sick by saying, your sins are forgiven. But as years passed by, I came to know, that He was doing them a favor. Two things happen, when sins are forgiven. 1. We are cleared of our bad destiny. 2. We are cleared of its consequences. So next time pray for the forgiveness of our sins, instead of asking a house or some money. I am in that path Best of luck. See you tomorrow. Meena

Bad Destiny

Yesterday, it was a sad moment for many families, when the bomb blasted in a church. What end did the two suicide bombers meet, we do not know. But one thing we sure know. This act has brought doom to their destiny. They sure are going to pay for their deed. They would be born again. That is for sure. But what would be their next life? Believe it, they are accountable for their actions. Just imagine, how much of their life they will have to repay for this blood shed. But the sad part is, these two bombers would not be aware of this past action in their new life and without being aware of this. They suffer from childhood and that is when we blame God for our bad destiny. So guys, think twice before you act because you are the creators of your own destiny and we would be born again and again until we clear all our past. Its not easy and its not a happy situation. That is why the saints, the ascetics forego their worldly pleasures. So that they clear the destiny within this life itsel

The Fish Monger's Dilemma

Today I saw the most surprising sight, which really awed me and made me think too. A fishmonger was taking his fish in a cycle. The container was open and the man was cycling fast. But a crow came flying silently and took a fish and flew off and the man was not even aware of it. If he goes on cycling like that for a kilometer, he would become poorer by a kilo. Because crows are far smarter than men. We are like the fish monger. We have loads of talents, we have loads of goodness in us. But we don't even bother to keep it intact by not acknowledging it and cherishing it and in the end, it won't stay with us. It goes off. I have a friend, who has only one aim in life, to become rich. So he doesn't spend on himself or for his family what he earns. He feels, that if he saves that much money, he could be richer by the day. But alas, money is for daily use. If it is not utilized wisely, it goes off unused to others hands. And that is what happens to talents or goodness too.

"Yes, I do"

Yesterday, in Kerala, there was a small news regarding the marriageable age of girls to be made legal when she comes of age. During my school time, there were girls who gained maturity at the age of 8, an age where children have not even got separated from Barbie dolls. An age where she doesn't know all her body parts. Then how come she would fare, when she gets married? Is it so important for the law makers to marry off a child? Are women just for sexual satisfaction and procreation? Don't you think, she too has an identity of her own? I would say, woman is more powerful than any beings on Earth. The first proof is in the Bible. Mary was going to become the mother of Jesus. Before that, something unusual happened. She was asked permission, whether she was willing to become the mother of God, not by her husband Joseph, but by God Himself. If God, seeks permission for such a small matter. Then know that, it is not any simple matter. It is important because, it is not of a gi

Family is for a lifetime.

Hearing this, some have a smile and some get creeps. But in real, do we really need a family? Yes we need a family, with parents, siblings, cousins, etc. They are the people, who help us reach our perfection. I know, its difficult to believe. But its true. I have two sons, very cute and cuddly, but they both test my patience to the very limit, that now, I am the epitome of patience and when I am short tempered, they temper me down. That's cool isn't it? Yes, family teach us the realities of life, the harsher way. The only thing is, be sure, that you know that they are there for you and not the other way, we for them. So I conclude that family is not a burden, but a treasure and we need them for a lifetime. Don't let them by without being with them. The loss would be ours and not theirs. See you tomorrow. Until then take care. Bye. Meena

Celebrations - A Necessity?

I have always thought, why do we need celebration. Is it very important? Do we have to go, when we are invited? etc…etc.. And the old would say, “Celebrations are Important. You should be there.” And the people who have loads of things to boast of are happy to be the centre point of celebration. But for me, I really feel like an alien. But that ends till the corridor of the celebration, after that, I am into the celebration mood. That’s weird right? The reason is simple. When a drop of water comes near a glass of water, it automatically gets attracted to the glass of water, joining that single drop into that big water world. Just like that, we are a drop of soul and when we come closer to the soul ocean, the celebration rush, we get united with the ocean and we get attracted to similar souls, which have our own ambitions, thoughts, attitudes, etc. and we open up to them and they openly share their experiences and then a bonding takes place. We feel very peaceful, happy and relieved

The Simple Rule To Make Yourself Perfect

I had the shock of my life, when one of my colleague backstabbed another colleague, whom she cannot tolerate. She heaped so much complaints,flaws against him, that any normal person would think twice before we would allow the alleged to work there. But the officer was much more fair minded and wanted to ensure, whether the allegation was all correct. And the first target were we. He asked us, whether the allegations were right. Well, we naturally refuted because, there were lots of frills attached to the allegations. So we cut all of it, which cleared all the misunderstanding. Anyway, the funny part was, the alleged didn't know, that he was being wrongly alleged. Great isn't it? There is one thing, which we should know. We are all imperfect beings. Imperfect in the sense, that we don't do the perfect way like the Sun rising at the right place at the right time, with the right co-ordination, everyday or like the flowers blooming with the perfect colour, smell and above all