A Happy Ending!!!!!!!!!!

As my year comes to an end, I have always thought, what all achievements would I have to boast of before I step into this new year - 2014. So I started replaying my life and I have nothing great to boast of.

Its simply zero. Can you believe it. I just can say, I lived in the moment.

When someone smiled I smiled back.

When help is requested I tried to give it

When in sadness, just to give a shoulder to cry on, etc....etc...

So now you know, its not a very big deal of a life I had.

But one surprise, I wanted to fulfill a resolution, to write everyday, my blog for a year and until now, yes, it was made possible and I do not know the rest, but I hope to fulfill it.

But anyway I am happy for whatever bargain I got from life. It was not a very easy one to carry on. But the invisible guiding hand was there to guide me through all life's turning points both good and bad.

The only thing I learned from this life is, no matter whatever the situations you are in, just have faith that all will end perfectly. A Happy Ending!!!!!!!!!!!!.

See you tomorrow.

Until then, take care. Bye



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