Microwave Vegetable Soup in 5 mts


Onion - 1
Garlic - 6 pods
Tomato - 1
Herbs chopped - 2 tbsp
Pepper powdered - 2 tsp and
Whatever vegetables you have at home that needs using up and season with a lot of herbs and garlic for flavour

Preparation Method

In a microwave bowl put some chopped onions and tomato juice (or tinned or fresh tomatoes, chopped)
Add any vegetables you have at hand, cut into chunks.
You can add cubed, stale bread along with herbs, garlic and good quality salt.
Depending on quantities, microwave on high for 3-5 minutes.

Take out from the oven, add pepper powder and stir it thoroughly. Serve hot.

You know, those who have no time and when hungry, this soup can really revive you very quickly.

See you tomorrow. Until then, take care.




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