Law of Attraction

I just happened to read the law of attraction from a site. Please check out.

Every living thing has a unique energy signature, a vibration. As humans, our vibration changes by what we focus on. When you look at a beautiful sunset or watch a puppy playing, your vibrations will soften. If you pay attention, you will feel a quality of openness and love.

Conversely, if you check in with yourself while watching the 5 o’clock news or a political debate, you’ll probably notice that your vibrations will shift into a state of contraction, actually pulling away from the quality of love. In other words, you will feel negative feelings.

Likewise, our vibrations change by the thoughts that we keep our attention on, especially by the thoughts that hold our dominant attention. If your mind is predominantly filled with lack or resistance, you will feel a negative energy pervade your being. On the other hand, if you train yourself to focus on positive thoughts, you will feel yourself aligning with love and wellbeing.

We are always vibrating something. Therefore we are always creating something, by drawing to us whatever is in sync with the thoughts we think and where we keep our attention.

Let’s say half the time you train yourself to consciously focus attention on finding a new fulfilling job. You can envision it and feel how wonderful it would be to be doing something that makes your heart sing, and you can feel the wonderful feeling of being paid well. Yeah!

Then, let’s say that the other half of the time you’re saying to yourself, “When am I going to get a good job? I’m tired of not having enough money to do what I want. I’m tired of working jobs I don’t like!”

See what’s happening here? It’s like taking one step forward then one step back. One step forward and one step back. Your positive thoughts and feelings begin attracting new possibilities and circumstances. They begin making their way to you. Then when you listen to the resistant thoughts, and feel the feelings of lack, your vibrations change. You are now in sync with the lack rather than the fulfillment of what you want, and you draw to yourself circumstances that sabotage the new possibilities.

Awareness Is the Key

To gradually train your vibration into a more positive one, notice when your optimism begins to fade. Pay attention to your thoughts when this happens and you will find that you’re feeding a thought stream of resistance. The way I see it is there is really only one stream of life, vitality and love. Then, on the other hand, there is resistance to that one stream. We’re either going with the flow that is always available to take us deeper into the love and truth of who we are, or we’re keeping our attention on the resistance to that, and therefore blocking our own vitality, our own life force, and the fulfillment of everything our heart really wants.

Emotional Feedback Guide

We are all equipped with an unbelievably accurate guidance system. It will never, ever let us down.

This guidance system is our emotions. At the core, there are really only two emotions: a positive one or a negative one. If we’re feeling negative emotions, we’re focusing on resistance. If we’re feeling positive feelings, we’re in alignment with our innate flow of wellbeing.

Using this guidance system, we can “course correct” and deliberately shift our attention to a thought that feels better, then after that to one that feels even better, and so on.

The Circumstances of Our Lives
Are Always a Vibrational Match to Our Own Energy

Always. If we miss the cues of our Emotional Feedback Guide, we can always take a look around at the content of our daily lives to see what we’re creating. This will show us, quite graphically, what we dominantly focus on. If our lives are filled with conflict, lack, or negativity, we can learn from that and practice training ourselves to shift attention to better feeling thoughts.

Savor the Good Stuff!

I’ve discovered another really fun way to work with the Law of Attraction that really helps with wellbeing. Whenever I have a particularly wonderful experience – in meditation, spending time with a friend, dancing, going for a great run – I savor it afterwards. I indulge in thoughts and memories about it for as long and as often as I can, milking it for all the good feelings that it evokes.

While doing this, the Law of Attraction insures that I attract more wonderful experiences of a similar nature!

How the Law of Attraction Gets Misinterpreted

I’ve noticed that sometimes the Law of Attraction gets billed as the “be all, end all” path to spiritual enlightenment. When I began learning more about it over a year ago, I was so delighted to find the missing piece – how to live happily on this physical plane – that I turned away from some other very important aspects of myself, which I’ll get to in a moment.

It was such a relief to see that I could consciously participate in the creation of the quality of my life, and it was quite exhilarating. By purposely training my thoughts into a positive direction, I noticed old thoughts and limiting beliefs about money and self worth began to unwind and let go. I began to feel a new feeling of personal power that I never felt before.

After awhile, however, I saw that my understanding of the Law of Attraction wasn’t the whole picture of my life, though it is an important aspect of it. I saw that working with it needed to be balanced by awareness of some other key aspects, which I’ll cover now.

The Strength of Vulnerability

While my life had improved considerably after working with the Law of Attraction, I still kept running into some of the same fears and stumbling blocks inside. I’d consciously shift attention to a more positive scenario, yet somehow it felt like “grime” was building up in my internal “house.” I felt like a part of me was being neglected in an unhealthy way.

In meditation one morning I realized that I had not been allowing vulnerability. I had been trying to suppress it. With the realization came a softening that happened automatically. I let my guard, my personal defenses down. Suddenly I realized that that is how we release old baggage – residues of physical, emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual trauma from the past.

We can release our past traumas with unguarded vulnerability. This is true vulnerability. When we let down our personal self-protective “guard” there is a natural healing process that occurs. Anything that isn’t love begins to leave us, naturally and gently. In the meditation I allowed this feeling of unprotected vulnerability and felt a sweet softening and opening. What I discovered is that this so-called vulnerability, which is actually surrender, is a doorway into love and true strength.

Inner House Cleaning

I realized that before I could move forward with my life I needed to let go of some old baggage. I could feel and see dark shadows that were residues from past hurts that were affecting me on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

Both as part of my training in energy healing and for my own personal healing, I worked with a medical intuitive. She showed me how to clear these out of my whole energetic system, which of course includes the physical body. I sat in a chair and closed my eyes, while forming the intention to release the negative energy I carried about my mother, to start with.

In forming that intention, I could feel tight places around my heart area. First I brought love to the places of constriction. Then, with my physical hand and my inner vision I reached inside and pulled the negative energy out by the root. I visualized a field of white light all around me so that as I pulled the strands of dark energy out they were burned up in the light. As I did that, I could actually feel the energies leaving my body, which jerked in response.

I repeated this exercise on several subjects: family illnesses, limiting beliefs about relationships and money, fear, self-judgment, and other negative “shadows” that were creating havoc in my life. At the end of the session I visualized a stream of golden light and love that poured down through the top of my head, filling up the spaces where the old energies had been removed.

Afterwards I felt clear and radiant! I continue to do this cleansing practice every day. For me, combining these two things (allowing vulnerability and daily inner cleansing), gives balance to the practice of reaching for a better feeling thought.

I realized that if I am holding onto negative energetic baggage from the past, even unconsciously, then that vibration within me will attract more of the same. Yuck! It is extremely important to clear this stuff out in order to experience the wellbeing we are after.

Teachings About the Law of Attraction

Many have criticized those who teach about the Law of Attraction, saying that it encourages superficiality, desire and greed. My experience is that anything that brings me into alignment with joy, brings me into alignment with Light, Love, the Universe, whatever you wish to call our Spiritual Source.

This law is impersonal. It is simply a force, like gravity. If you drop something it will fall. It doesn’t matter what it is. There is no discrimination on what is being dropped. The force of gravity will pull it down. Period. Likewise, the Law of Attraction brings to us whatever we focus on, be it positive or negative.

Fortunately, we’ve all been given an amazing Emotional Feedback Guide. This is not only a guide that can keep you in the stream of manifesting positive things in your life, it also keeps you in the stream of love and goodwill. If someone focuses on accessing the Law of Attraction for negative purposes, eventually they’ll notice they’re feeling quite negative as a result. That automatically creates a feedback system and self-teaching process. No one likes to feel sustained negativity and eventually we learn to stop doing whatever it is that is creating it! As long as you follow this inner compass, it will keep you on course. As you begin to follow this guide of yours, you'll be much less willing to feel crummy, especially now that you know you have a choice!

Trust Yourself

All of these areas we’re speaking of here are doorways that can take you deeper into the love and truth of yourself: working with the Law of Attraction, exploring your own vulnerability and openness, and cleansing yourself of old energies. All of these tools can work together and complement and balance each other.

Each of us is on our own unique path. Different things are right for each of us at different times. You are the one that will know what is best for you by how you feel inside when you’re doing it.

As you become more aware of the Law of Attraction, you'll become conscious that your energy is always creating something, either positive or negative. Then, by making deliberate choices about that, your life will change into a much more joyful state. You will no longer feel like a victim of outside forces. Balancing this knowledge with inner cleansing and vulnerability can totally transform your life!

From “The Law Of Attraction” continue on to
“The Law Of Abundance – Learning To Receive”

See you tomorrow.

Until then, take care, bye.


Reference :-


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