Are You A Diabetic ? Find Out

Diabetes is one of the leading non-communicable diseases which are called silent killers.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas do not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. There are two kinds of Diabetes - Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 sets in in childhood and Type 2 sets in later in adulthood.

The reasons for the cause of Diabetes -
a. obesity,
b. sedentary lifestyle,
c. genetic factors

Diabetes leads to

a. Cardiovascular conditions,
b. Kidney damage,
c. Eye and skin conditions,
d. Stroke and coma,
e. Fertility issues

Naturally it would drastically hamper the quality of life along with that it can sometimes leave a life-threatening impact on the body.

Symptoms of Diabetes

1. Numbness that starts as a tingling in the hands, fingers, legs, and feet is an early warning sign of diabetes.

2. Increased Urination :- They have an overwhelming urge to urinate.

3. Weight Loss :- Rapid and unexplained weight loss is common to diabetes because the body can’t absorb glucose (sugars) properly.

4. Increase in Appetite :- With sudden weight loss often comes an increase in appetite, which might make you feel fortunate at first because you feel like you can eat anything you want without consequences. However, your body is in a diabetic state, robbing your cells of essential energy, which explains the hunger.

5. Blurry Vision :- Blurred vision is a common cue of type 2 diabetes. This occurs as glucose levels spike, damaging blood vessels and restricting fluid to the eyes. If a diabetes diagnoses isn’t made, the patient could suffer complete vision loss.

6. Itchy, Dry Skin :- When diabetes affects blood circulation, our sweat glands will often become dysfunctional, resulting in dehydrated, flaky, itchy, and irritated skin.

7. Unexplained Fatigue :- We’ve already established that insulin resistance leads to an inability to absorb essential energy (sugars). When this occurs, energy levels suffer, causing extreme mental and physical fatigue.

8. Unquenchable Thirst :- Increased urge to urinate will leave the body in a state of rapid dehydration. The body will demand that lost liquid be replenished, and an unquenchable thirst will often result.

9. Slow Healing Cuts or Bruises :- You might notice that if you suffer a cut or bruise, healing time will take much longer than it normally does. This is due to high glucose levels weakening the immune system and slowing the rate of healing.

10. Irritated Gums :- Oftentimes, type 2 diabetes sufferers notice that their gums become red, swollen, and irritated. They might also literally see the gums receding from the teeth and experience gum infections, and eventually, gum disease as result.

Why Early Detection is Important?

Diabetes is a serious disease that can lead to pain, disability, and death. Sometimes people have symptoms but do not suspect diabetes. They delay scheduling a checkup because they do not feel sick.

Many people do not find out they have the disease until they have diabetes complications, such as blurry vision or heart trouble. Finding out early if you have diabetes is important because treatment can prevent or delay the complications of the disease.

Who Should Get Tested?

Because type 2 diabetes is more common in older people, anyone who is 45 or older should consider getting tested. If you are 45 or older and overweight, getting tested is strongly recommended. If you are younger than 45, overweight, and have one or more risk factors, you also should talk with your doctor about being tested.

Tests for Diabetes

1. A fasting plasma glucose, or FPG test, measures your blood glucose after you have gone at least 8 hours without eating. Doctors use this test to detect diabetes or pre-diabetes.

2. An oral glucose tolerance test, or OGTT, measures your blood glucose after you have gone at least 8 hours without eating and 2 hours after you drink a sweet beverage. Doctors also use the oral glucose tolerance test to diagnose gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

3. A1C test measures your average blood glucose levels over the past 3 months. It can be used to diagnose type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. It does not require fasting and blood can be drawn for the test any time of the day.

4. In a Random Plasma Glucose test, your doctor checks your blood glucose without regard to when you ate your last meal. This test, along with an assessment of symptoms, is used to diagnose diabetes but not pre-diabetes.

If any of these tests show that you might have diabetes, your doctor will need to repeat the test with a second measurement unless there are clear symptoms of diabetes.

I hope I have covered most of the things, which one should know for knowing whether you have diabetics.

See you tomorrow.

Until then, take car. Bye.



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