Adventures of Spidey–In The Forest-Chapter–8d

If you are willing to accept him as your friend, he will be here by dusk (evening). Ramo scratched his chin thinking very deeply and then wide eyed, he asked, “Do you know, why he’s unable to travel in the morning?” Antsy smilingly replied, “Why don’t you ask him directly, it would be much more easier isn’t it?” Ramo smiled and replied, “I’d surely like to meet your friend Rufus, but what about my current (present) situation? I’m really feeling hungry.” Where’s the kitchen? “Over there, Ramo pointed towards the kitchen. Antsy walked towards the kitchen and Roby followed her silently, but Ramo stopped him and asked, “Were you the person, who was playing in the forest yesterday?” Roby with fear filled eyes turned towards Ramo. Seeing his frightened face Ramo smiled at him and said, “Don’t worry, I just saw a boy and a dog play, that’s why I don’t have any ill feelings towards them, O.K?” Roby’s face broke into a big smile and said, “Yes sir, we were the two. My dog always like to play in the forest and I regularly come here.
Antsy went to the kitchen and everything was kept in place and clinically clean. She started opening the cabinets and found enough vegetables, bread, butter, milk and olive oil. She immediately started to cut some vegetables and prepared salad with olive oil, toasted the bread and applied some butter and poured some milk in a glass tumbler and placed it on a tray and walked back to Ramo’s room, but the scene that invited her was an unimaginable sight.
Take care until tomorrow. Bye.

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