Work, what is it? Is it doing something for a purpose or is it doing something because somebody has forced us to do? Well, there are many definitions which is better to avoid as anyone can define work according to his circumstances.
A fortnight back, I had the opportunity to meet some special group of people whom we see only when necessary – the medical staff. My mother (mother-in-law) had a stroke and she was hospitalised for a fortnight. We were at the mercy of the hospital staff, especially the nurses. My mom(biological mother) was a nurse, so usually I had a high esteem for this group, as my mom was a dedicated nurse and her friends too were the best in the field. So I was not unhappy of my mother being hospitalised. My mother was really an old person, aged approximately 85 plus and she was paralysed on the right side. She couldn’t move or talk or eat or defecate on her own. We were new to this situation. So, we (my husband’s family and myself) were literally at the mercy of the nurses. For the first week, all were going smoothly, they did it so perfectly that we just had to remind them and if we made mistakes they would not complain but do it for us smilingly and I even made friends with these nurses who were actually student nurses.
But problems started when the shift was changed for the student nurses, I have heard of dragon matrons and superiors, but I saw them. It’s like we are banging our heads on stone walls, they just don’t respond, they are invincible (unshakable), no feelings, nothing. Then I knew what it is to be dedicated. I am a teacher. When I’m in front of my students, my heart soars high, it takes wings and I take my kids too. So that they know, what it is to learn. How good it is to learn. Work should be like that, we should be happy with our work, only then there will be meaning in our life and in others lives too. I knew that the first week nurses will touch lots of hearts, because they love their job but the dragons, they are destroying their life and in the process burning bad experiences in other’s lives too.I really would like to say to the students who are going to take professional courses, that there is only one life we have got to live. Live it happily. Select the profession, you love. You would do it with love. If you are selecting a profession where your parents, your loved ones, think is right, which has more scope, then you are doomed for life. The inventors, the explorers they came to the top because, they loved what they did. So when you do what you love, no one can overtake you, you would be the best. You touch lots of hearts. Remember Florence Nightingale, the nurse? APJ Abdul Kalam, the scientist? Rabindranath Tagore, the writer? Michael Angelo – the painter/sculptor? You can be one of them, so think before you take your profession. Its a request or else count yourself the next dragon. Bye take care and see you tomorrow.Meena
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